Monday, December 22, 2008

Life Purpose

Life Purpose
Today I received a beautiful card with this quote - “The Purpose of Life is a Life of Purpose” – Robert Byrne. It came from a reader of this newsletter and the inside message was about sharing inspiration, passing on the good I have received and knowing that I am loved beyond measure and a cherished blessing to the world.

I’ve never met this person and didn’t recognize his name on the card. I was surprised and very touched to read his thank you and that message. That someone would take the time to send a card of thanks and inspiration was a true gift of the heart. I was uplifted and grateful beyond words. Thank you so much Kevin.

What does a Life of Purpose mean to you? Is it being successful in your career or creating a loving and supportive family? How about making the world a better place by your actions? Perhaps you are a motivational leader in your church or spiritual home or where you volunteer. Or your intuitive readings provide insight and guidance to someone when they most need that.

Whatever our purpose is, when we live in and from that we are giving our unique gifts to the world. No one else can do what we do in the same way. We each have a very special gift we bring to whatever we do in life. That gift is ourselves.

Do you ever wonder about your purpose in life? Since I began to do hand analysis I have been immersing myself in this topic. Each pair of hands I read is slightly or greatly different from another’s and yet each person has a life purpose, a life lesson and a school of life in which s/he is majoring. All of that is revealed by the fingerprints, which were formed when we were in the womb.

I fell in love with hand analysis a couple of years ago when I had my hands read. I had a real epiphany with this reading because it helped me to understand myself so much better. I finally understood that my challenge to feel my feelings and not stuff them down was the lesson I have to master in order to fulfill my life purpose as a Healer with Heart.

Making that conscious and learning that yes indeed I was well on the way to living what I came here to live by studying to be a coach and helping others was a huge gift to me. It set me free from wondering and doubting my passion to help others and gave me a focus I call my North Star.

I didn’t know I would be lead to doing hand analysis for others and yet it has turned out to be so. Hand analysis is a perfect way for people to get a wonderful understanding of themselves. If they choose to do some coaching, I can support them in using this information to develop their life purpose and work on resolving their life lesson.

I’m enjoying this work so much I am full of plans for working with a small group next year in a teleclass supporting people in living their life purpose and mastering their life lesson. Watch for more information on that to come in January.
There are ten days left to take advantage of the special and greatly reduced price of $49.00 for adults and $35.00 for children if you book a hand analysis before January 1st 2009.

I spend at least three hours, often more, analyzing and researching to give a full reading. The call or in-person visit takes another hour. If you think you would like to participate in the group teleclass or will want to have your hands analyzed in the near future, book now and I will send you a bill when I am closer to being finished the hands I am already booked to analyze.

I sincerely wish all of you the very best holiday season. No matter what we celebrate or believe, at this time of year we all come together to share our joys and fellowship. We look to the coming year with hope for a brighter future for our world. We commit to doing our part to make that happen.

Your heart is asking you to shower yourself and all around you with love. Please say “Yes!”

Warmest regards,

P.S. Please join in a discussion of what living a life of purpose means to you by posting your comments.

Rosemary Heenan
The Heart Activist

About the Author:
Rosemary Heenan, The Heart Activist, is a certified coach whose life purpose is to work with people who think of themselves as healers. Heart Power Coaching assists you in re-opening your heart, living with passion and attracting your heart’s desires.
Rosemary is the author of the e-books, 8 Keys: Unlock the Door to Prosperity and Attract a Loving Relationship, which are available for purchase at
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