Monday, December 22, 2008

Life Purpose

Life Purpose
Today I received a beautiful card with this quote - “The Purpose of Life is a Life of Purpose” – Robert Byrne. It came from a reader of this newsletter and the inside message was about sharing inspiration, passing on the good I have received and knowing that I am loved beyond measure and a cherished blessing to the world.

I’ve never met this person and didn’t recognize his name on the card. I was surprised and very touched to read his thank you and that message. That someone would take the time to send a card of thanks and inspiration was a true gift of the heart. I was uplifted and grateful beyond words. Thank you so much Kevin.

What does a Life of Purpose mean to you? Is it being successful in your career or creating a loving and supportive family? How about making the world a better place by your actions? Perhaps you are a motivational leader in your church or spiritual home or where you volunteer. Or your intuitive readings provide insight and guidance to someone when they most need that.

Whatever our purpose is, when we live in and from that we are giving our unique gifts to the world. No one else can do what we do in the same way. We each have a very special gift we bring to whatever we do in life. That gift is ourselves.

Do you ever wonder about your purpose in life? Since I began to do hand analysis I have been immersing myself in this topic. Each pair of hands I read is slightly or greatly different from another’s and yet each person has a life purpose, a life lesson and a school of life in which s/he is majoring. All of that is revealed by the fingerprints, which were formed when we were in the womb.

I fell in love with hand analysis a couple of years ago when I had my hands read. I had a real epiphany with this reading because it helped me to understand myself so much better. I finally understood that my challenge to feel my feelings and not stuff them down was the lesson I have to master in order to fulfill my life purpose as a Healer with Heart.

Making that conscious and learning that yes indeed I was well on the way to living what I came here to live by studying to be a coach and helping others was a huge gift to me. It set me free from wondering and doubting my passion to help others and gave me a focus I call my North Star.

I didn’t know I would be lead to doing hand analysis for others and yet it has turned out to be so. Hand analysis is a perfect way for people to get a wonderful understanding of themselves. If they choose to do some coaching, I can support them in using this information to develop their life purpose and work on resolving their life lesson.

I’m enjoying this work so much I am full of plans for working with a small group next year in a teleclass supporting people in living their life purpose and mastering their life lesson. Watch for more information on that to come in January.
There are ten days left to take advantage of the special and greatly reduced price of $49.00 for adults and $35.00 for children if you book a hand analysis before January 1st 2009.

I spend at least three hours, often more, analyzing and researching to give a full reading. The call or in-person visit takes another hour. If you think you would like to participate in the group teleclass or will want to have your hands analyzed in the near future, book now and I will send you a bill when I am closer to being finished the hands I am already booked to analyze.

I sincerely wish all of you the very best holiday season. No matter what we celebrate or believe, at this time of year we all come together to share our joys and fellowship. We look to the coming year with hope for a brighter future for our world. We commit to doing our part to make that happen.

Your heart is asking you to shower yourself and all around you with love. Please say “Yes!”

Warmest regards,

P.S. Please join in a discussion of what living a life of purpose means to you by posting your comments.

Rosemary Heenan
The Heart Activist

About the Author:
Rosemary Heenan, The Heart Activist, is a certified coach whose life purpose is to work with people who think of themselves as healers. Heart Power Coaching assists you in re-opening your heart, living with passion and attracting your heart’s desires.
Rosemary is the author of the e-books, 8 Keys: Unlock the Door to Prosperity and Attract a Loving Relationship, which are available for purchase at
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Monday, November 24, 2008

What is Your Heart's Prayer?

What is Your Heart’s Prayer?

Yesterday I received this quote from Robert Holden and it moved me so much I want to share it and explore it with you.

“There is a prayer that lives in the center of your heart. If you pray it, it will change your life. How does it begin?”

My prayer is “I love you. Thank You.”

The theme of love in all its many nuances has been at the centre of my life’s journey. I was not surprised when I found through a hand analysis that my life school is love. I came here to major in love and that’s what I’ve done.

I finally realized a couple of years ago that the only love that really matters is self love. I do see self love as a prayer of gratitude. I believe God created all of us and to turn up our noses at the beauty of God’s creation is really blasphemy.

However, our egos teach us we have to do something to deserve love. The ego also tricks us and has us believe that we could lose love based on our behaviours or our appearance or whether we are ‘good’ enough.

So my prayer “I love you. Thank You”, did change my life. It led me to listen to my heart and to help others do the same. It’s my mantra when I make a mistake or doubt myself. I use it when I notice myself judging others or making them wrong. It takes me back to my heart and to the feeling of love for whatever is happening.

Thank you is also for everything. Everything is always perfect even when our ego minds want us to believe it’s a problem, large or small. My trust in love and appreciation makes me kinder to myself and everyone else. It frees me to be unattached to outcomes and keeps me in a state of peace that is beyond anything I’ve ever experienced.

I find my coaching clients resonate with this prayer and I believe that’s why they come to me for coaching. They recognize the Truth even when they haven’t heard it before. Those clients who don’t resonate with this prayer leave for another coach and that is perfect too, for the prayer is mine and those who share it with me. Others will have a different prayer, equally valid for them.

The crucial thing is to listen to your own prayer and let it guide and change your life. Live by it. Share it with others. I think the prayer is another guidepost to who we are and how we can best serve others.

What is your prayer?

I would love to hear from you if this prompted you to discover your prayer or reconnect with one you’ve known.
I’ll post this on my blog where we could have a discussion about our prayers. Here’s the site

You may recognize that my prayer is one half of the four prayers in Ho'oponopono, a Huna clearing tool. For more on Ho'oponopono go to

I am grateful for all you faithful readers and to the newer members of my newsletter list. For those of you in the US celebrating Thanksgiving, enjoy all your family and friends and the wonderful special meals you share.

To your heart health,

Rosemary Heenan
The Heart Activist

About the Author:
Rosemary Heenan, The Heart Activist, is a certified coach whose life purpose is to work with people who think of themselves as healers. Heart Power Coaching assists you in re-opening your heart, living with passion and attracting your heart’s desires.

Rosemary is the author of the e-books, 8 Keys: Unlock the Door to Prosperity and Attract a Loving Relationship, which are available for purchase at

The newsletter list grows by recommendation! If you enjoyed this issue, please pass the word. Do so by forwarding this to a friend and inviting them to subscribe at the link (above/below).
If you were forwarded this by a friend, get your own copy by signing up for the Newsletter at

NOTE: You’re welcome to reprint this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end).

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Law of Attraction Talk Radio

We had a great show last week with Jules Johnson interviewing Linda Miller, Dave Loevner and me on her Law of Attraction Talk Radio show. Here's the show.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Expect This by Dr. Joe Vitale

My latest book hit the streets today
and is already on three bestseller aublists
and quickly sprinting up the Amazon main list
as I type this to you.

It's called "Expect Miracles."

It's my most recent book (and my last one,
most likely).

It explains that your mindset will determine
what you get:

- expect things to go wrong and you'll attract it;

- expect things to go right and you'll attract that.

In short, you get what you expect.

Don't believe me?

Then you will find evidence to prove me wrong.


Because that's how your mind works.

You say you *do* believe me?

Then you'll find evidence to prove me right.

Again, you get what you expect.

That's what I explain in my latest book.

Also, "Expect Miracles" reveals why guru
advice doesn't always work.

It also explains what *does* work, so you can
have, do, or be what you can joyfully imagine.

In this must-read book, you'll learn...

- How to use a five-step system for attracting
any kind of miracle

- Why you need to avoid fear if you want to
attract miracles

- How to eliminate counter-intentions that will
block you from achieving goals

- The exact method for getting clear about
what you want

- How to forgive anyone for anything and
get on with your life

- How your mind works (it may surprise you)

- Ways to go from indecision to focused intention

- The importance of gratitude for what you
already have and how it plays into what you
will attract in your life

You'll also get story after story about other
people who've attracted miracles in their lives.

It's a quick read, inspiring, practical, and
designed to get to the point with the most
useful information.

It's also a perfect gift for family, friends,
schools, churches, or any one or any group
you care about.

Again, this is my latest book.

Probably my last.

It's also the only book of mine to have my
photo on the front cover. See --

I'd love for the book to go further up the Amazon
bestseller list and get noted in the top ten.

Would you help?

But this isn't one of those overwhelming
campaigns where I offer you $19,000 in
bonuses (bonuses most people never
get around to looking at, anyway) when
you go get the book today at Amazon.

Instead, what I'm asking you to do is
get my book, "Expect Miracles," at
Amazon today.

The book goes for $10.85 there.

That's it.

By itself, it's worth much more.

It may even become a collectible.

Why not go get it right now at --


and --

Expect Miracles.


joe :)

PS -- Again, go get "Expect Miracles" at
or . Be sure to
get copies for family and friends, too.
After all, the holidays are coming up fast. :)

Note: Please forward this to family, friends,
peers, and coworkers; please post it on your
blog and in any way you can think of share this
news with others. Let's get the world to begin
to "Expect Miracles." Thank you.

Dr. Joe Vitale
"Aude aliquid dignum" *

Author of way too many books to mention,
including the bestsellers "The Attractor Factor,"
"Life's Missing Instruction Manual" and ooohhh
so many more, including the head spinner,
"Zero Limits" and the mega-hit, "The Key."

Star of the movies "The Secret," "The Opus,"
"The Compass" and "Try it On Everything"

See it all at

Member BBB 2003 - 2009

* 16th century Latin: "Dare something worthy"

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ten Tips to Reduce Your Stress in These Turbulent Times

Don’t let stress take you out! You want to be around when the economy shifts back, don’t you?

There have been at least four bear markets in the past twenty years and each time the economy makes a shift back into prosperity. That’s the way of the world – tides shift in and out; night follows day and day follows night. This too shall pass.

With all the bad news headlines, stories, reports etc. many people are finding themselves worried and stressed out about their finances. It’s crucial to take charge of your mind right now and not allow all this negativity to get to you.

Have you found yourself having sleepless nights, checking and re-checking your finances, easily getting angry or upset at small things? Those are all signs of stress and stress is the number one cause of disease.

Just imagine experiencing a new way to handle stress. See yourself mastering the use of ten tips to reduce your stress. You can choose the ones that work best for you and the circumstances you’re in. There are easy, practical tools to maintain inner peace no matter what is going on.

I invite you to participate in a weekly teleclass to learn ways to manage and reduce your stress.

Classes begin: Wednesday November 12 for four weeks
Dates: November 12, 19, 26 and December 3
Class Time: 9:00 – 10:00 pm eastern, 6:00 -7:00 pm pacific
Cost: no charge
Bridgeline: 712-432-3900, access code 5001731#
Calls will be recorded in case you have to miss any.

Imagine how good you will feel when you can watch the news or read the paper without worrying about your finances.

You will learn:
1. Techniques to create peace almost instantly
2. How to shift your thoughts from fear to optimism
3. Energy techniques to reduce or eliminate stress
4. The power of gratitude, laughter, physical exercise in eliminating stress responses
5. How to keep yourself motivated to practice these techniques instead of giving in to your emotions

There is too much scientific evidence of the power of intention on results to allow yourself to get sucked into fear over the economy. Whatever you put your attention on with emotion, you will get more of. It’s time to take exceptional care of your thoughts and emotions. Choose to take control over your mind and emotions in ways that will contribute to your well-being.
Take advantage of this now!

Email me at to register.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Heart Wisdom

I don’t ever remember hearing so many people talk about heart wisdom or the power of our hearts until recently. This is probably an example of how we become acutely aware of something when it is important to us. It’s just like when you buy a new car and then see it everywhere when you’re driving.

Last weekend I went to go to a book signing and talk by Dr. Joe Vitale in Toronto. I was thrilled when I saw Joe’s posting on his blog because I was going to be in Toronto that same weekend and at a workshop in a nearby hotel. It was effortless to go and hear him speak.

On the same bill was a woman I had not heard of before, Dr. Lise Janelle, talking about her new book Conversation with the Heart. When I read the outline I felt like the night was designed perfectly for my interests; both of my passions, the heart and advanced Law of Attraction principles.

Lise and Joe were a wonderful combination and I am thoroughly enjoying reading Conversation with the Heart. It has both information about the wisdom of our hearts and the value in listening to the hearts along with practical exercises to get in touch with that wisdom. Joe was speaking about his new book, Expect Miracles and I enjoyed reading that this week.

It was amazing to see how closely Joe and Lise answered the questions from the audience. Although they come from different backgrounds, their answers were completely in line with each other. Not surprising when you think that we attract what we desire by being in the same vibration as the desire. If our hearts are prompting us, then the desire is in alignment with the heart itself.

I know I am much happier and more fulfilled since I began to listen to the wisdom in my own heart. I am grateful every day that I chose to act on my heart’s urging and retire from teaching. It was perfect timing and it’s giving me the opportunity to apply everything I’ve been teaching for the last several years so I stay in a high vibration and at peace during these turbulent economic times. My ego has kicked up a fuss about how I will manage financially, but my heart knows and expects to not only survive but thrive.

On the 30th of October at 9:00 pm eastern, Sonia Choquette, another of my favourite teachers, is doing a workshop with Scott Martineau of Conscious One. It’s called Can You Hear Your Quieter Voices? Here are a few lines from the promotion for the call.

“In order to lead a happy, fulfilled, abundant life one has to be able to hear the quieter voices. To be still and hear them requires some skill. To know what questions to ask requires some knowledge. To know how to create your heart’s desire and live it daily requires wisdom and an action plan.
Sonia Choquette is an expert at leading a life listening to her quieter voices. She’s an author of more than 13 books- her latest one was a New York Times Best Seller and she’s the creator of her own Heart’s Desire Coaching Program.
Don’t let the loud distractions of today’s life stop you from creating your heart’s desire in your life right now. Now is the time to get more grounded in your own voices and leave the distractions to others. Sonia will show you how on this special live call - learn more here:”

I’m certainly going to be on the call and I appreciate how I am attracting all this support to do what I feel is my life’s work.

I have a couple more spots remaining in my offer to read your hands for only $49.00. The regular price is $149.00, so this is a great offer for a limited number of people.
It was learning my life purpose that gave me the inspiration to leave the security of my job and do what my heart had been calling me to do. Some of the benefits of a Hand Analysis include:
1. discovering your true life purpose
2. understanding why you struggle with one or more areas of life by uncovering your life lesson
3. getting clear direction of what you should do to ease or stop your struggle
4. learning more about the gifts you have and how to use those both for yourself and to help others
5. discovering your niche market for your services

Watch for next week’s announcement of a f*ree teleclass series on Maintaining Peace in Turbulent Times. People have been asking me to share a variety of tips to tune out the fearful voices and stay calm and peaceful. I have ten tips already and am excited to share them with others and help people at this time.

May your heart be blessed.

Rosemary Heenan
The Heart Activist

About the Author:
Rosemary Heenan, The Heart Activist, is a certified coach whose life purpose is to work with people who think of themselves as healers. Heart Power Coaching assists you in re-opening your heart, living with passion and attracting your heart’s desires.
Rosemary is the author of the e-books, 8 Keys: Unlock the Door to Prosperity and Attract a Loving Relationship, which are available for purchase at
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If you were forwarded this by a friend, get your own copy by signing up on the Newsletter page at
NOTE: You’re welcome to reprint this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end)
Email The Heart Activist:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Cultivating Peace in Times of Scarcity

Cultivating Peace in Times of Scarcity
I recently read that scarcity is one of three basic human triggers. Want to know the other two? Curiosity and controversy!
Reading that inspired me to write about how to handle your fear of you find its being generated by all the hype about credit scarcity for mortgages. How do you keep a sense of calm when you read that you will lose your home despite your ability to make your mortgage payments?
Here’s what I do. I discipline my mind to focus on my intended outcomes rather than my fears. I use an affirmation such as, “I easily and joyfully attract the ideal mortgage vendor for my successful renewal.”
I recently listened to a call by Bruce Cryer of the HeartMath organization. He described the effects of stress on our bodies and the easy to practice congruence routine.
Did you know that there are 1400 biochemical changes in your body as a result of stressful emotions? Yes, you read that correctly - 1400! When you have stressful emotions, your mind becomes clouded and you make more mistakes. Your body is clumsy and you can easily fall and injure yourself.
When you have positive emotions, you also have biochemical changes; however these are energizing and beneficial. HeartMath sells a product called the EmWave that tracks your heart rate. I watched Bruce’s heart rate pattern change as he imagined a stressful situation and then level out into calmness and a smooth rhythm just by his doing a simple process that took only a couple of minutes.
Here are the basic steps of the HeartMath technique as I remember them from the call.
1. Put your attention on the area around your heart.
2. Breathe into this area and feel the warmth. Breathe in and out as though through your heart.
3. Remember a person or a situation that brings you joy and feel appreciation. Spend some time continuing this process. In a short time your heart rate will be smooth and rhythmic and your body will experience positive biochemical changes.
As The Heart Activist, I am committed to living with an open heart and helping others to do the same. When I am contracted with fear, I don’t feel open-hearted. I want to close down and protect myself. I expect you are the same.
Does worrying about scarcity help stave it off? No way! It just allows those 1400 biochemical changes to go coursing through your body. When you place your trust in the power of your heart to create the life you desire, you take positive action.
Next time you watch the news or read the paper or listen to someone proclaiming doom and gloom remember to focus on your heart, breathe through it and feel grateful about someone or thing you love.
The Law of Attraction tells us we will get what we put our attention on and feel strong emotions about, whether positive or negative. Use this technique to keep your attention on what you desire and your vibration positive.
To your heart health,

About the Author:
Rosemary Heenan, The Heart Activist, is a certified coach whose life purpose is to work with people who think of themselves as healers. Heart Power Coaching assists you in re-opening your heart, living with passion and attracting your heart’s desires.
Rosemary is the author of the e-books, 8 Keys: Unlock the Door to Prosperity and Attract a Loving Relationship, which are available for purchase at

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Email The Heart Activist:

NOTE: You’re welcome to reprint this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Limiting Beliefs are Like Weeds

Limiting Beliefs are Like Weeds
The other day I noticed a large growth of weeds in one of my gardens. I hadn’t noticed them in previous years but now they spoil the look of the garden and they are in the way of the new plants. As I was weeding, it occurred to me that the weeds are similar to limiting beliefs. They may have been around for many years and perhaps they didn’t interfere with us, but when we are ready for a different goal the belief is in the way of success and has to be removed.
Some of the weeds came out easily with the bulb sitting near the surface of the ground. Others were down so deep the tool I was using didn’t budge the bulb out. Just as some limiting beliefs are easy to let go of when we are ready and others are far more difficult to release. If we catch them early on, they uproot easily whereas the ones that we’ve held for many years have deep roots and take more effort to release.
I wasn’t satisfied just getting the blade because I knew if I didn’t get the whole root the weed would just grow again. I would pull and get some out and then have to go back and dig under a little and pull again to get the rest. I’ve had this experience with beliefs too. I think I’ve gotten rid of it and then later find it coming up to bother me again.
In some places the weed looked so close to the plant nearby I wasn’t sure it was a weed. Isn’t that just like some beliefs – they appear to be good information, the real thing, only upon close examination are they revealed to be damaging or fake.
After I had been working for a while, I started to question whether I should bother digging out the weeds no one else can see? Hidden behind a healthy plant, was it worth the trouble to dig them out? Yes, it was because in time they would have taken over and killed the healthy plant. I would know they were there and it’s my garden. Don’t I want it to look as beautiful as it can for me, or are the neighbours more important?
Limiting beliefs left hidden will eventually overtake healthy ones and kill them off. Experience tells me that trying to keep something hidden take a tremendous amount of energy away and causes me far more trouble than the time it would take to clean it up. Whether anyone else knows I have them is irrelevant. I know and it’s me they’ll hurt in the end.
Looking at the whole garden, these weeds are only a small part of the overall beautiful picture, but when I looked at the garden they were where I put my attention, rather than on the pretty flowers. And isn’t that the way of limiting beliefs? They’re a small part of who we are and yet they command the greatest amount of our attention.
What limiting beliefs are taking up your attention and keeping you from fulfilling your goals and dreams? Weed them out in the 8 Keys: Unlock the Door to Prosperity teleclass. Prosperity is more than money. It includes great health, supportive loving relationships and leading an inspired life.
Class begins Monday October 6 at 9:00 pm eastern, 6:00 pacific. The class is only $79.00 and includes the 8 Keys: Unlock the Door to Prosperity e-book. Register at
Classes will be recorded so you won’t have to miss any. Need more information? Contact me at
About the Author:
Rosemary Heenan, The Heart Activist, is a certified coach whose life purpose is to work with people who think of themselves as healers. Heart Power Coaching assists you in re-opening your heart, living with passion and attracting your heart’s desires.
Rosemary is the author of the e-books, 8 Keys: Unlock the Door to Prosperity and Attract a Loving Relationship, which are available for purchase at
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Email The Heart Activist:
NOTE: You’re welcome to reprint this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Manifesting Power of Appreciation

The Manifesting Power of Appreciation

As a follow up to the article on “When You Find What You Want Inside You, You Will Find What You Want Outside You” I sent out a couple of weeks ago, I’d like to share some miracles I have received. I believe they came as a direct result of expressing appreciation for all that is.

I began a gratitude journal again last week and have been writing at least five things in it each night. Last week I had a minor car collision that I was responsible for. I had to pay for repairing the damages to the other car.

I’ve heard that when we have what seems to be problems with too much money going out, if we affirm “I can hardly wait to see what good God has in store for me now” we will attract to us more money than we are having to pay.

I decided to put this to the test and began affirming it over and over. As you can imagine, I also had some negative emotions and fears and I used EFT and Ho’oponopono to release those. I was determined to not let this experience throw me off course in keeping my attention focused on my desired outcomes and not the present reality.

I had planned to attend an Advance Energy workshop being put on by a healer I know and love in Toronto next weekend. When I saw what the repairs would cost, I called and told the host that I would not be able to attend. I released on the outcome and kept affirming, “I can hardly wait to see what good God has in store for me.” A couple of days after I had cancelled, I received a call from another of the hosts asking if I would attend as a scribe. I can go to the workshop and take notes for them and attend at no charge.

Wow! That was a huge and most welcome surprise. It taught me that by expecting good, I allowed it to come to me.

My miracles didn’t end there. A friend I work with invited me to his home yesterday for a visit and to hear about the business he is doing. We decided to attend a psychic fair and he was happy to have someone willing to go with him. When I went over, he gave me some money to spend at the fair, treated me to the entrance fee and also bought me a beautiful massage wand. After the fair, he took me out for a lovely dinner. I had brought him some gifts and read his fingerprints for him, and truly enjoyed sharing the day with him.

As I drove home I reflected on his joy in giving me those treats and how much I appreciated them. I gave him a gift by being open to receive and his pleasure was evident. I had the same experience in sharing my gifts with him. That reminded me of one of Bijan’s Effortless Prosperity daily lessons, “I Give As I Receive”.

Do you remember how much joy you feel when you gave a gift and you could see how much the person receiving loved it? That’s the meaning of Bijan’s lesson. When we receive, we give back our joy and appreciation and the donor receives those and is blessed.

Another word for appreciation is increase. Whatever we appreciate expands. I invite you to join me in keeping a gratitude journal and trusting that God, or the Universe, has great blessings in store for those who appreciate all they have. Remember to affirm and expect great good when you have unexpected expenditures. You’re going to spend the money anyway, why not prove that it’s opening a door and flooding you with gifts.

About the Author:
Rosemary Heenan, the Healer with Heart, is a certified coach whose life purpose is to work with people who think of themselves as healers. Through her coaching, you will reclaim your essential power, live your life with passion, and share your gifts with the world.

Rosemary has been a college professor of early childhood education for 31 years. Her e-books, The Eight Keys to Creating the Life of Your Dreams and Attract a Loving Relationship are available for purchase at

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